Quixote's Vision

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The Vision

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To understand the Vision we must first go back many years to the beginning of Quixote's quest and the goals set at that time. Young Jon Quixote want­ed to transform the world, but as the world is large and resources finite he settled on just transforming his state. And since transforming even Quinnehtukqut was a rather large task he felt that his contribution would be to help create a con­scious community and ways for people in the community to share information and resources. We, in our holistic, spiritual community, are largely invisible to others, much like wizards in a world of muggles. So we need to know that we are not alon­e, that we are part of something larger than ourselves and that we are the change we want to see in the world.

As Quixote traveled the roads of Quinnehtukqut over the past 20 years and visited the many towns and villages atop his trusty steed Rocinante, he had a different, broader view of the needs and problems than most people working at their tasks or seeking the path to transformation. Astrologers say that Virgos naturally analyze everything they see, have an inner urge to do service and try to discover and solve problems. This led to helping found or supporting many guilds and groups over the years that would bring people together to fill needs better than they could do on their own.

Working on The Door Opener provided a unique view of our territory and its needs and the magazine and website fills many of them. But as much as was accomplished, there was still more to be done. The rigors and schedule of publishing left not enough time to explore new roads and technologies so we decided to leave it in the capable hands of the Lady Dory and strike out once again.

These are some of the problems we want to now conquer:

• People have difficulty finding what resources are available in their part of the state.
• There is no easy way to reach all the people of our state in the event of a dragon attack as there is no single address list for our community.
• People are unaware of the resources currently available; for example, after 20 years there are still people that have never heard of The Door Opener.
• Although there are many centers and other points of light they aren’t really tied together nor do they often communicate with each other.
• We need to feel part of a larger community.
• We can’t readily communicate with each other or share our ideas.
• There is no easy way for businesses to find business resources that understand their needs.
• There is no easy to find maps of the Spiritual path.
• Centers need more low cost ways to promote themselves.
• There is no concerted, organized effort to attract new people.

After many long nights of pondering it became clear that all these problems might be resolved with two new websites in addition to the one you are now visiting. One will be a Community Center where all the people of our extended village can come together to share and find resources and commune with each other. The second will be a mystical pathway inviting those not part of our community to join us.

On the in-breath energy is drawn in becoming one with and nourishing the body. On the out-breath it returns to the Universe warmed and ready to repeat the cycle.

So too, the websites will draw in those who are ready to be nourished and in turn nourish the community, leaving ready to transform themselves and the Universe.

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